

06/26 2023 Seminar
  • Title题目 Journey Towards Asymptotically Safe Standard Model and Unexploded Higgs: from Large N_f to Large Q
  • Speaker报告人 王志伟 (电子科技大学)
  • Date日期 2023年6月26日 14:30
  • Venue地点 南楼6620
  • Abstract摘要

    Solving QFT is key to a more profound understanding of present and next generation of theories of Nature. In fact, both the large number-of-flavour 1/Nf and charge 1/Q expansion have been useful tools to go beyond Feynman diagrammatic computations. In this talk, I will discuss not only the theoretical perspectives of these two methods but, in particular, also their important applications in particle physics phenomenology. I will show that by using the large number-of-flavour 1/Nf summation techniques, the Standard Model can achieve an interacting ultraviolet fixed point to be asymptotically safe, addressing the famous UV Landau Pole problem. We have also applied this method to Grand Unified Theories to explore the safety possibility of Pati-Salam model and Trinification model. On the other hand, the large charge 1/Q approach may have the potential to address the multi-Higgs production problem. I will show that by implementing the large charge 1/Q approach, we can determine the scaling dimensions of a class of fixed charge operators to the next-to-leading-order in the charge expansion but to all orders in their couplings.



    王志伟博士现任电子科技大学研究员,并入选电子科技大学百人计划。王博士在加拿大萨斯卡切温大学获得博士学位(2012-2016)。曾于2017年获得加拿大总督学术金牌,为加拿大授予博士期间学术成就的最高荣誉(国家级奖项),并获得University of Saskatchewan全校最佳博士毕业论文,以及Ishwar Gupta物理奖。在获得博士学位之后,王博士任职加拿大滑铁卢大学与丹麦CP3-Origins研究所联合培养博士后(2016-2019)。2019-2021起任职丹麦CP3-Origins研究所博士后研究员。2021-2022任职瑞典Lund大学研究员(高级博士后研究员)。

    王志伟博士的研究领域为高能理论物理,研究方向集中在超越标准模型新物理唯象学理论的交叉方向。近年来,王博士已经在四个相关领域做出了一系列重要工作,在强耦合暗物质相变引力波,标准模型的渐进安全与紫外完备(UV Completion), 动力学对称破缺共形对称性下的高圈求和技术等方向都具有一定的代表性工作。完成学术论文28篇,其中在国际权威学术期刊发表论文21篇(包括4篇顶尖期刊Phys.Rev.Lett.均为最主要贡献作者),并有一篇PRL入选Editor Suggestion,另一篇PRL被丹麦基金委官网重点推荐。



    李田军 研究员 
