

05/19 2022 Seminar
  • Title题目 Gardner physics in hard disk glasses
  • Speaker报告人 Qinyi Liao (ITP-CAS)
  • Date日期 2022年5月19日 17:00
  • Venue地点 Zoom online meeting: number 861 8802 4292 password: 753835
  • Abstract摘要

      Jamming criticality of the amorphous solidification is precisely explained by the glass theory predicting a Gardner transition in the high-dimension limit.  

      However, the Gardner transition is theoretically not expected in two dimensions.  

      The picture of off-equilibrium Gardner physics remains unknown even at the mean-field spin glass level.  

      By contrast, simulations and experiments have shown that jamming critical exponents are not only independent of dimensions but also irrelevant to the protocols of reaching jamming.  

      There is a gap between the theoretical explanation of Gardner physics and the experimental facts of jamming. 

      We address these questions using numerical simulations of hard disk glasses. We figure out a Gardner phase inside the quasi-equilibrium glasses and a dynamical Gardner crossover in the regime far from equilibrium.  

      Our results narrow the gap between experiment and theory and pave the way for constructing dynamical glass theory. 

      About the Speaker: 

      Dr. Qinyi Liao is a postdoc fellow at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She works on structural glasses. Dr. Liao earned her Ph.D. in studying active matter and structural glasses under the supervision of Prof. Ning Xu at University of Science and Technology of China in 2020.  

      Then she joined Prof. Hai-Jun Zhou's group as a postdoc at ITP-CAS. Dr. Liao is interested in the interdisciplinary research involving spin glasses, structural glasses, biophysics, and other interesting disordered matter.  

      Especially, she attempts to understand the structural ordering in realistic glasses with the mean-field spin glass models in information science and Gardner physics beyond mean-field theory. 
