

11/23 2021
  • Title题目 Scrambling and Black Holes
  • Speaker报告人 Beni Yoshida
  • Date日期 2021年11月23日 09:30
  • Venue地点 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88600574888?pwd=YUY2UlVRVFo5N3NIMDk5TThZaERiQT09 会议号:886 0057 4888 密码:555678
  • Abstract摘要

    Abstract: Many of the previous approaches for the firewall puzzle rely on a hypothesis that interior partner modes are embedded on the early radiation of a maximally entangled black hole. Quantum information theory, however, casts doubt on this folklore and suggests a different tale; the outgoing Hawking mode will be decoupled from the early radiation once an infalling observer, with finite positive energy, jumps into a black hole. In this talk, I will provide counterarguments against current mainstream proposals and present an alternative resolution of the firewall puzzle which is consistent with predictions from quantum information theory. My proposal builds on the fact that interior operators can be constructed in a state-independent manner once an infalling observer is explicitly included as a part of the quantum system. Hence, my approach resolves a version of the firewall puzzle for typical black hole microstates as well on an equal footing.

    Beni Yoshida (PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012) joined Perimeter’s faculty in July 2017, having initially arrived at the Institute as a senior postdoctoral researcher in 2015. Prior to that, he was a Burke Fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology (2012-15), where he worked in John Preskill’s group. Yoshida’s research focuses on applications of quantum information theory to problems of quantum many-body physics and quantum gravity. In particular, he has used the techniques of quantum coding theory to construct toy models of the AdS/CFT correspondence and discovered information retrieval processes from black holes by using the quantum information scrambling phenomena. 

